We understand that there may be times when you want to be more adventurous and explore local French cuisine (which is world-renown for good reason) and there are times when you may want to stick with more familiar fare.
At Mitaud, you can choose whether to go local or mix it up. For those in the chambres d'Hôtes, we offer B&B accommodation with a breakfast, including freshly baked French bread and pastries from the best local bakery in La Brède. You get the freedom to sample as much as you want of the local cuisine during the day and evening, as you are free to make your own arrangements for meals. Depending on availability, we may organise an evening meal covering a range of international cuisine, perhaps taking advantage of our authentic traditional French wood-fired oven to make bread to accompany your meal or allow you to create your own pizza, or with a more Asian theme. Where available, we will always use locally sourced and grown (including home grown) products, so that they are as fresh as possible. You will find the general quality and freshness of the fruit and vegetables in France (even at the supermarket level) to be very good, with a wide range of 'Bio' products available.
If you are in self-catering accommodation in the Gîtes, you can be as adventurous as you like, going shopping at the local supermarket (part of the Auchan Group) (see link here at La Perrucade, La Brède or stay closer to home by shopping in the international sections of larger supermarkets like Carrefour in Bègles ( or near the airport in Mérígnac ( or go for Asian flavours at Eurasie in the large shopping centre at Bordeaux Lac (www.eurasie-bordeaux). If you want to go "bio" then we recommend a local shop in La Brède Sol en Bio à la Brède ( or for a bigger selection, Bio c'Bon Mérígnac (, which is an entire supermarket chain selling only 'bio' products.
Bordeaux would not be Bordeaux without its wines, which still represent its calling card to the outside world. We can provide wines for sale by the bottle and, when our new wine cellar is completed, by the case load. Please click the link here (link to wines on sale) to see what we currently have available and prices. If you order enough in advance we may be able to ship wines from the UK to Mitaud. (Andrew keeps most of his collection in Octavian in Corsham in the UK, a converted underground bomb shelter built during World War Two) (
If there is anything in terms of food or drink that you are unable to find, let us know and we will try to source if for you.
Great food, wine and 'convivialité' at Château Mitaud, what's not to like?

Simple, fresh, healthy products produced with the utmost respect for nature and with sustainability in mind.
Simple, fresh, healthy products produced with the utmost respect for nature and with sustainability in mind.
Simple, fresh, healthy products produced with the utmost respect for nature and with sustainability in mind.
Simple, fresh, healthy products produced with the utmost respect for nature and with sustainability in mind.
Simple, fresh, healthy products produced with the utmost respect for nature and with sustainability in mind.
Simple, fresh, healthy products produced with the utmost respect for nature and with sustainability in mind.
Simple, fresh, healthy products produced with the utmost respect for nature and with sustainability in mind.
Simple, fresh, healthy products produced with the utmost respect for nature and with sustainability in mind.